January 2025 Ka'u Calendar |
Welcome to the home of The Ka‘ū Calendar. Here you will find the latest news of Ka‘ū as well as dates and times of local events such as concerts, classes, exhibits and meetings.
Read the current edition of The Ka‘ū Calendar and the entire collection of The Ka‘ū Calendar's back issues since its first publication in November 2002.
The Ka‘ū Calendar Newspaper Online.
Advertise in The Ka‘ū Calendar and support local news! Reach all of Ka‘ū in just 12 ads a year! See your ad mailed to all U.S. Postal Boxes in Ka‘ū - over 4,300 boxes - and put on stands from Volcano to Miloli‘i for a total of 7,500 copies a month. Don't forget your ad goes online too! Download our rate sheet here and sign up today(printable)!
For daily news updates, visit our blog at kaunewsbriefs.blogspot.com. Check our daily posts to Facebook at facebook.com/kaucalendar.
Update the calendar and blog with your event by emailing kaucalendarnews@gmail.com - please send details by the 15th of the month prior to publication, when possible. Please send ad requests: mahalo@aloha.net or kaucalendarads@gmail.com.
To order newspaper delivery beyond Miloli'i to Volcano Village, email your full name and mailing details to mahalo@aloha.net and send a check made out to Local Productions, LLC, once a quote has been emailed to you, or call 928-6471 with details and a credit card ready.
For news coverage requests, email mahalo@aloha.net or kaucalendarnews@gmail.com or call 928-6471.